(Rum, n.d.)

Lesson 2 - learning Manual Photography

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives and measures for success:

For students to:

  • Develop an understanding of the technical functions of manual photography and how to adjust aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to suit different settings and contexts

  • Understand the parts of a standard DSLR camera and how these settings can be used

  • Demonstrate effective use of shot lists to track the settings of each of their images

  • Develop an understanding of how camerawork codes such as lighting, composition, and movement can be successfully captured through manual setting adjustments

Focus code/convention/media form/skill/technique:

  • Engagement with technical elements of media such as composition, movement, and lighting

  • Engagement with the key concept of production technologies

  • Engagement in the production process (capturing)

Resources required:

  • DSLR camera

  • Computer

  • Digital display or projector

  • Paper and writing tools

  • Shot list printout

Lesson Structure:

Curriculum links:

Develop and refine media production skills to integrate and shape the technical and symbolic elements in images, sounds and text for a specific purpose, meaning and style (ACAMAM075)

Plan and design media artworks for a range of purposes that challenge the expectations of specific audiences by particular use of production processes (ACAMAM076)

Action 1: Introducing manual photography functions – 20 minutes

Students will be introduced to the functions and processes of manual photography through an online resource that simply explains the technical workings of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. The diagrams and image examples within this resource should be highlighted and used to teach explicitly to aid in visual learning.

https://digital-photography-school.com/shoot-manual-mode-cheat-sheet-beginners/ (Leanza, 2023)

Following learning these functions, teachers should physically show their class how to work the buttons and display on the camera. This can be supported by showing a digital diagram – support can be found in this online resource.


(Cottis, 2023)

Action 2: Making activity – 30 minutes

Introduce making task – students are required to use their new knowledge of manual photography processes and practice manipulating manual settings in different environments within school grounds. This practice could involve capturing movement with a focus on shutter speed or finding different lighting settings to test out the adjustments of aperture and ISO. Students will work collaboratively and work in groups to share and elevate each other’s understandings.

Students will be asked to compile a ‘shot list’ that keeps track of their shot settings so they can respond and learn from their adjustments (create template).

Students should be advised to start their manual shooting in these basic settings as a starting point:

Aperture – f8

Shutter Speed: 1/125

ISO: 400

Action 3: Recap of summative assessment outline – 5 minutes

Talk through the Capturing Moments assessment outline that was introduced in week 1 and highlight specific requirements, goals, and objectives.

Action 4: Assessment brainstorming session – 30 minutes 

In this last 30 minutes students will be tasked to brainstorm some ideas and themes that they could pursue for their assessment task. This could be completed in their books/folios or they could use Canva free mind mapping  (Canva, n.d.) 

Students will also be given information for the planning stage – requiring 3-5 storyboard plans of their idea, detailing what composition rules they plan to align with and what manual settings they believe will suit this shot 

Mapping and planning should be recorded in progress folio.

Action 5: Pack up – 5 minutes

Wrap up task with students and encourage them to think about what direction they could pursue between classes.

Home Learning:

Continue to generate ideas and themes and select a direction for the assessment task.

Teacher Actions:

Teachers should look to ensure students have a good understanding of manual photography processes and should rotate between groups to support students in learning and adjusting manual features.

Assessment strategies:

Diagnostic – class discussion, monitoring levels of manual photography process understandings, progression in learning manual features

Formative – observation, satisfactory use of ‘shot list’, satisfactory completion of manual photography exercise

Summative –

Differentiation Strategies:

  • Time for focus group discussion can be facilitated so students can share their understanding with others

  • Students can use aperture or shutter priority setting (more automatic) instead of manual to view and understand how these functions work. Further enabler could be using only automatic.

  • Expectations can be adjusted to students demonstrating one technical element and understanding