(Neill, n.d.)
Duration: 90 minutes
Learning objectives and measures for success:
For students to:
Purposefully reflect and annotate their final work, demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of how compositional and manual photography elements are used to create meaning
Develop a contact sheet and reflect upon the process of experimenting with different manual photography settings
Wrap up Capturing Moments task
Focus code/convention/media form/skill/technique:
Post-production generation of contact sheet in programs
Responding through the expression of ideas and product result
Resources required:
Digital display or projector
Folio (book or digital)
Lesson Structure:
Curriculum links:
Develop and refine media production skills to integrate and shape the technical and symbolic elements in images, sounds and text for a specific purpose, meaning and style (ACAMAM075)
Plan and design media artworks for a range of purposes that challenge the expectations of specific audiences by particular use of production processes (ACAMAM076)
Action 1: Opening class discussion – 15 minutes
Students will be checked in with and expected to have their final shot completed and ready to annotate and reflect upon:
What is the significant moment that this image represents? is it a moment in time, representation of culture, or captured spontaneous moment?
What unique elements are included that give it meaning?
What challenges did you encounter while producing your final work?
Do you believe that your final product is successful? Why/why not?
Students should also be prompted to reflect and annotate upon their use of compositional and manual photography elements – what worked/what didn’t?
Extender - Introduce students to and share process photos of how to create a contact sheet – students will also be instructed to annotate their contact sheet and reflect upon what manual techniques worked/didn’t work and where.
Action 2: Given time for reflection and annotation – 70 minutes
Students will be given the remainder of their lesson to reflect and respond to their final work – complete in folio
Action 3: Pack up – 5 minutes
Wrap up task with students and have final discussion – highlight that next lesson will be open for students to catch up or finish their final work reflections – if the ‘moment’ imagery has not been completed then time between lessons should be dedicated towards that.
Home Learning:
If the final product has not been shot, then this should be a high priority to complete before next lesson
Teacher Actions:
During this time teachers should rotate the room and inquire on final products, supporting students with discovering the why/meaning of their ‘moment’ photography
Assessment strategies:
Diagnostic – class discussion, monitoring student levels of engagement in reflection
Formative –
Summative – satisfactory completion of final work, reflection, and annotations, guided by assessing engagement with
Engagement with significant ‘moment’ photography from varying artists and styles
Understanding of manual photography processes
Understanding of photography compositional rules
Demonstration of idea generation and planning
Thorough analysis of final product processes and reflection
Differentiation Strategies:
If students have struggled to shoot in manual settings, automatic is acceptable if they reflect and understand the meaning of their ‘moment’ clearly
Analysis of compositional elements and use of settings can be adjusted to better support those not advancing
Extend focus groups tables that intend to have advancing students support those who may be struggling
Leave time open next lesson for those who need it
Extender- have advancing students experiment with basic editing software to enhance the impact of their image