(Litvin, n.d.)


ACP Study design

The Art Creative Practice (ACP) Study Design (VCAA, 2023) has been an important document that I have referenced throughout the development of both Area of Study (AOS) learning sequences, proving to be an integral resource that has strengthened my understanding of key knowledge areas and unit specific assessment requirements. The Study Design acts as an important point of reference for students to monitor their progress through learning objectives, and for teachers, it can support their approach to structuring content and implementing clear curriculum aligned learning criteria. It contains in-depth information involving the VCE study specifications and the most important terms used in the subject, supporting the understanding of relatively complex art language and Creative Practice functions. Through both Areas of Study/Outcomes developed in my web portfolio, the study design has been used to create an overview of task specifications, requirements, and key knowledge. It is provided as a link in the Unit 1 homepage for students to download and reference alongside their progression through set tasks.

Art and Design Education VCE

The Art Design Education VCE webpage developed by Caudullo and Kelly (2020) is an impactful flipped learning resource that I have referred to frequently to guide the working structure of my website and seek important resources to build from as I’ve developed student learning sequences. The webpage includes an overview of each Unit 1 Area of Study which was very helpful in extending my understanding of how to scaffold learning content and set specific task objectives that work towards meeting success criteria. The site provides a clear demonstration of how to clearly layer information for students to engage with sequentially and provides a variety of valuable resources for students to interact with as they progress through the outcome.  Furthermore, Students are afforded the opportunity to inquire and explore, which inspired my choices to include task options that allow students to select a work avenue that they are most interested in. Caudullo and Kelly have included an array of resources that encourage varied approaches to art form exploration and Interpretive lens analysis, generating a new range of support materials that I’ve been able to adapt and field ideas from to include in my own web page.  

Creative Practice Overview and the Interpretive Lenses

Through engaging with the study specifications within the Study Design (2023), and collecting further in-depth information on these areas from the ‘developing a program’ section of the VCAA support materials (2024), I was able to collate all of the important parts from these resources to develop two separate pages detailing an overview of the Creative Practice and the Interpretive lenses. Within my web portfolio, each of these pages provides an easy-to-navigate, modern engagement with the important information and specifications from these areas for students to visit instead of having to sift through the study design or VCAA website. Furthermore, included within these are additional resources to extend student understanding, questioning support for their assignment tasks, and clarification on how to approach their folio throughout their involvement with the Creative Practice.

BLue lava art - RUsso Scherr

Russo Scherr’s Blue Lava Art web page (2024) is an extensive educational resource that houses a range of art lessons involving theory topics, history and movements, as well as practical tutorials in focus areas such as printmaking and drawing. The web resource is an easy-to-navigate tool that can be inserted into existing lesson plans and topic areas to strengthen the depth of student understanding and often includes image sequences of art form processes and links to tutorials. Through Area of Study 1, I have included links to the web page that expand upon the approach to writing about contemporary art and analysing through structural and personal lenses. As students view the web page contents they will naturally be exposed to further theory and supportive resources, opening the opportunity for exploration and a deeper knowledge of what they are learning. 

VCAA ACP Support Materials  

To support the development of ACP VCE units, The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA, 2024) provides a variety of impactful support materials that have helped guide my approach through the development of the Unit 1 curriculum and has advanced my understanding of planning assessment sequences. For Art Creative Practice, the support materials provide further clarification on explicit learning objectives and approaches to planning for each VCE Unit, while supporting teachers in selecting appropriate artists, artworks, or activities to add more depth to the development of their learning programs. Through the Teaching and Learning space, I was able to acquire a great deal of inspiration from the example learning activities provided for Unit 1, and through the suggestions of assessment, I was able to broaden my understanding of the required learning outcomes and confidently develop task options that meet each Area of Study success criteria.

Ms Blake Art + VCD – Folio Examples

Ms Blake's Art + VCD education web page (2024) is home to a wide variety of student work examples from each year level leading up to VCE, including examples from specific art forms, materials, and medium experimentations that demonstrate particular processes and low-high level outcomes for that year. This web page is a valuable resource for students to visit and collect inspiration from, as they can observe a range of explorations and determine what interests them while engaging with new ways to approach certain materials or forms. Furthermore, students are also able to view visual diary/folio examples and observe the layout, annotations, and analysis approaches, supporting their visual understanding and giving them an idea of the expectations of the folio at different levels. Within my web portfolio, I have included select folio examples to demonstrate these expectations and have included a link for students to access the range on the web page to gather inspiration. 

YouTube – tutorial resource

Through both Area of Study 1 and 2, YouTube (2024) is included throughout my web portfolio as a primary resource used to explain the attributes of the Interpretive lenses, guide students through the successful analysis of art, and demonstrate how to experiment and work with a range of materials, mediums, and art forms. Through exploring art practices on the YouTube platform, students can quite easily access tutorials that can fast track their skills, and the platform can be used to transmit important information involving art analysis, key artists, or fundamental art knowledge such as the Elements and Principles. Furthermore, YouTube is an important visual resource within this learning context because often students of art are visual learners and require visual aid to support their understanding of learning tasks.


Blake. (2024). VCE Folio examples. Ms Blake Art + VCD. https://msblakeartvcd.wixsite.com/msblake/vce-art

Caudullo, E. & Kelly, M. (2020). Art and Design Education VCE. https://artdesigneducation.wixsite.com/vcestudies/copy-of-art

Russo Scherr, J. (2024). Blue Lava Art. https://bluelavaart.com/ 

YouTube. (2024). Education Resource. https://www.youtube.com/

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). (2023). Art Creative Practice Study Design. [Report]. Victorian State Government. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/ArtCreativePractice/Pages/index.aspx

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). (2024). Planning Overview. Victorian State Government. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/ArtCreativePractice/Pages/Planning.aspx

Site Imagery:

Litvin, A. (n.d.). Printmaking image. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/@linalitvina