Covid Vaccine: Experts Explain

The brief.

This project required that a campaign was created surrounding the challenging problem question of: How might we convince people in Australia to be vaccinated against Covid-19? The project required an extensive amount of research into the vaccine and how people are responding to the idea of them, and it was required that the project ideas were aligned to be pitched to a governmental body that could roll this new campaign out. The campaign required that thoughtful problem-solving skills were utilised to create a solution to this controversial issue.


The solution.

In response to the brief, what was created was a multi-channel awareness campaign called ‘Let The Experts Explain’. The campaign is designed to use multiple online platforms to distribute all the key information surrounding the covid vaccine, using medical expert opinion and research to incite confidence in the public, to educate them, and to clear up misinformation. The campaign purposefully outputs vaccine information through avenues such as animation, podcasts, and public installation, while using social media to distribute these outcomes, reaching a wide audience.


Geelong Law Association