(Campbell, n.d.)
Year 7-8 learning Resources
Provided here are some impactful learning resources that teachers can use to inspire lesson plans and curricula direction.
'Poster Design for Change' - ngv
Provided by the NGV, this resource gives students an insight into the visual conventions of Japanese graphic design and modern activism
Body Language learning - NGA
Provided by the NGA, this resource aims to teach students how ‘body’ is used as a language to express meaning within Indigenous culture
Modern landscapes - MOMA
Provided by the MoMA, this resource features an array of historically significant artworks and the unique processes of artists before us
Ben 'Quilty' exhibition - AGSA
Provided by the AGSA, this resource invites students to explore immerses the fascinating and driven body of work from Australian artist Ben Quilty
Campbell, M. (n.d.). Student creating Art. Unsplash. https://unsplash.com/@miekelauren