(Diego, n.d.)


Media Study design

The Media Study Design (VCAA, 2023) has been a crucial document that has supported the development of detailed Area of Study (AOS) learning sequences and has informed the development of resource pages that outline the most important knowledge areas students will need to engage with to succeed. For students, The Media Study Design provides a great point of reference to monitor progress and ensure learning is occurring through the key skills and knowledge, and for teachers, the study design provides an outline of how to structure learning objectives, content, and will support teachers in aligning their planning to the curriculum. With close reference to the study design, I’ve been able to create a collection of supportive pages that students can visit to extend their learning through VCE. These areas focus on relaying important information from the study specifications such as the Media Production Process, media terminology and types, as well as a detailed overview of analysis through the media Codes and Conventions.


MediaKnite (2024) is an excellent web resource home to an extensive range of media resources, lesson plans, and unit approaches through senior secondary years, informed and developed alongside the media learning outlines of the Victorian Curriculum. The MediaKnite web page is extremely easy to navigate and is a well-organised flipped learning platform structured thoughtfully to guide students through their learning progress within important content areas. Through engaging with MediaKnite’s Unit 1 learning sequence, I was able to collect some informed ideas on how to scaffold content through Area of Study 1, and how to successfully balance written content with digital media and videos. Furthermore, MediaKnite’s interpretation of a print ad assessment task provides students with a creative way to explore the themes of representation, informing and inspiring the development of a similar task within the Area of Study 1 learning sequence featured in my portfolio.


Through the development of the Area of Study 1 learning sequence, YouTube (2024) has been integrated as a core resource to demonstrate media representation in multiple channels, media forms, and how these representations have changed throughout time. In each sub-topic, YouTube videos are employed to demonstrate and explain media representation through a variety of forms, exploring the representation of characters in film, gender stereotypes in commercials and sitcoms, while investigating the issues and problems that have surfaced as a result of misrepresentation through media. YouTube provides students with an important resource that supplements and links visual content to class content and theory. With this in mind, YouTube videos are highly featured and utilised throughout stages of my learning sequence.

Lesson Bucket

The Lesson Bucket web page developed by Brett Lamb (2024) is an impactful Media learning resource that houses an expansive range of media content for years 9 all the way through to VCE study, centring its aims around the Victorian Curriculum key learning and knowledge areas. Developed by an experienced media educator, Lesson Bucket is often viewed as a ‘go-to’ resource for teachers when they need assistance in structuring content or understanding the broad scope of media’s thematic analysis and production processes. Within VCE media, Lesson Bucket accurately supports the development of key learning sequences across each Unit and Area of Study, including a great depth of content involving the themes of representation. Lesson Bucket's extensive list of representation resources was able to support the development of an impactful learning sequence through the topics of character representation in Villains and Heroes, and the representation of gender stereotypes in media channels throughout time.


Script Click Create is an impactful and vast resource that houses a variety of media sequences involving the in-depth analysis of media forms, production processes, and offers a range of curriculum-aligned resources that support students through their learning in senior secondary years. The web page is easy to navigate, has a range of clear content dropdowns, and specifically features a detailed collection of Unit 1 media representation content sequences that strongly informed the development of my own. Through the themes of representation, Script Click Create supports a wide range of questioning strategies alongside media content to provoke discussion and the analysis of representation throughout different forms. Furthermore, the featured large collection of videos and articles centred around representation provides students with a scope of how representation has changed and developed through various media channels over time. In supporting the development of my own sequence, Script Click Create’s questioning and video analysis structure provided me with some purposeful ideas of how to integrate and link analysis through varying representation topics.


Lamb, B. (2013). Media Educational Resource. Lesson Bucket. https://lessonbucket.com/

MediaKnite. (2024). Media Educational Resource. http://www.mediaknite.org/

Script Click Create. (2024). Media Educational Resource. https://scriptclickcreate.weebly.com/

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). (2023). Media Study Design. [Report]. Victorian State Government. https://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/curriculum/vce/vce-study-designs/Media/Pages/Index.aspx

YouTube. (2024). Media Video Resource. https://www.youtube.com/

Site Imagery:

Diego, P. (n.d.) Lightbulb image. Unsplashed. https://unsplash.com/@jdiegoph