Media Unit 1

(Alves, n.d.)

Welcome to Media Unit 1!

Through engaging with the content in Unit 1, you will:
  • Develop an understanding of audiences and the core concepts underpinning the construction of representations and meaning in different media forms.

  • Explore media codes and conventions and the construction of meaning in media products.

  • Analyse how representations, narratives and media codes and conventions contribute to the construction of the media realities that audiences read and engage with. 

  • Gain an understanding of audiences as producers and consumers of media products. 

  • Through analysing the structure of narratives, You will consider the impact of media creators and institutions on production.

    (VCAA, 2023)

Media Forms you might experiment with:

  • Work in a range of media forms and develop and produce representations to demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of each media form, and how they contribute to the communication of meaning.

  • Develop an understanding of the features of Australian fictional and non-fictional narratives in different media forms. 

  • Develop research skills to investigate and analyse selected narratives, focusing on the media professionals’ influence on production genre and style.

  • Experience the voices and stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators to gain an understanding and appreciation of how their stories contribute to our cultural identity.

    (VCAA, 2023)

(Adapted from Caudullo and Kelly, 2020)

  • Moving image - for example film, television, video, animation

  • Still image - for example photography

  • Audio - for example radio, podcast

  • Print - for example magazine, zine, comic, graphic novel, newspaper, poster

  • Digital - for example online video and audio, streaming video and audio, podcast, magazine, comic, graphic novel, newspaper, video game, blog, website, app

  • Convergent or hybridised media - the combination or joining of two or more media forms, such as photography and animation, print productions and a digital game, augmented and virtual reality products.

(VCAA, 2023)

Media Terminology


Throughout the duration of Unit 1, we will read through chapters 1-3 from the Media Reframed textbook (Hoban et al., 2023)

(Caudullo and Kelly, 2020)

How to Annotate Media

(Caudullo and Kelly, 2020)

Media Study Design

(VCAA, 2023)

  • Area of Study 1

    Media representations

  • Media Production Process

    A detailed overview of the Media Production process and learning approaches

  • VCE Media Overview

    A detailed overview of the study design specifications and learning areas of the Media subject

  • Media Codes and Conventions

    An overview of the Codes and Conventions found in media texts and an approach to analysing through them


Alves. T. (n.d.). Mirrored Artistic Photography. Unsplash.

Caudullo, E. & Kelly, M. (2020). Codes Terminology. Art Design Education VCE. Google Docs.

Caudullo, E. & Kelly, M. (2020). Annotation Support. Art Design Education VCE. Google Docs.

Caudullo, E. & Kelly, M. (2020). Unit 1 introduction. Art Design Education VCE.

Center for Media and Information Literacy. (n.d.). Latin America Representation.

Diego, P. (n.d.) Lightbulb image. Unsplashed.

Unseen Studio. (n.d.). Writing On Table. Unsplash.

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA). (2023). Media Study Design. [Report]. Victorian State Government.